- Diabetes Clinic
- High Blood Pressure Clinic
- Cardiovascular Disease Risk Management Clinic
- Lipid(High Cholesterol) Clinic
- Wellness Clinic
- Weight management Clinics
Diabetes Mellitus is one of the leading lifestyle disease that is increasingly affecting the young population these days due to the change of lifestyles from the rural setting to the urban setting where a bigger part of the population get their food stuff from the supermarket rather than from the shamba. Moreover , other associated risk factors like physical inactivity, drinking alcohol and smoking are becoming more common among the youths thus pushing this population to an early stage of developing diabetes. The clinic has been organized in line with the laid down guidelines and protocol for the optimal control and management of diabetes. We have been able to reverse some cases of early diagnosed T2DM through a strict focus on low glycemic index diet, weight reduction, exercise etc in our Lifestyle management programs.
The High Blood Pressure clinic has unique holistic management approach which seeks to understand and unravel the really causes of the high blood pressure in people. It has been quite interesting that most of the causes of the cases of high blood pressure have been linked to lifestyle modifiable risk factors that when addressed or reversed results in reversal of the Hypertension , reduction in the tablet burden and total BP control.
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of death worldwide and studies show that over 90% of the health risk factors that cause these diseases are modifiable. This means that these diseases are preventable and can be well controlled for those already suffering from them. The good news is that the clinic has developed lifestyle interventional programs that focuses on elimination of these modifiable risk factors with a lot of success.
This is one of its kind clinic that focuses in early detection of high cholesterol levels in the body and developing interventional programs for control and reversal of the hypercholesterolemias or Dyslipidemias. Studies show that dyslipidemia and hypercholesterolemia are the leading risk factors for heart attack, hypertension and stroke. We also develop diets aimed at reduction of the cholesterol.
The Wellness clinic is founded on the principle of Holistic health where the doctors strives to do a Healthy Lifestyle audit and pick all the various health risk factors from the client and developing tailor –made Lifestyle Interventional programs and supplementation for those who may have been found to be deficient in vitamins , minerals etc.
Overweight and Obesity have been cited in several studies to be associated with the cause of many lifestyle diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases etc. Studies have shown a linear correlation on weight reduction and Blood pressure control by the recorded drop in either systolic or diastolic blood pressures.There is sometimes the social and occupational aspect of having extra weight which sometimes due to regulations in some organization some people do not get certain jobs because of the extra weight. We offer tailor-made, affordable and easy to implement natural Weight Reduction programs that have seen a number of people achieve their goals before the target period of six months. These are our Wellness Champions. Why don’t you want to become one of them? Just call us through our contacts and we will be able to assist you achieve your goal in weight reduction. It is no magic you can do it.
The Body Composition Analyzer checks a number of parameters such as the body fat , the muscle mass, the bone mass , whether one is drinking enough water or not, whether one is exercising or not, gives your metabolic age( this is the age at the cell level that tells us whether you are ageing faster or slower), it will also tell us about the fat covering the internal organs which is used to stratify the risk of getting diabetes and it will also give us your body mass index telling us whether you are of healthy weight, overweight or obese.
At Emerald Healthcare we are committed in offering holistic healthcare that strives to understand the real causes of diseases rather than treating symptoms and signs , addressing those causes through interventional programs geared to restoration of one’s health and walking with our clients in adopting healthy lifestyles. We engage and follow up our clients through continuous education on their health. We give you the ANSWERS to your health.